Weekly Bulletin

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.  
                                                  Psalm 46:1

Welcome to the United Methodist Churches

of Cresco First and Zion

20th Sunday after Pentecost, October 6, 2024

World Communion Sunday and "OctoberFresh 2024"



  Call to Worship 

*Hymn:           “How Firm a Foundation”                                #529  

Prayer of Confession                     

Great indeed is the faithfulness of God, and yet our hearts are not
so reliable.  We wander.  We argue.  We forget.  We divide ourselves
with anger and bitterness and falsehood.  Let's try to come back together again, and let's start with the truth.  Let's confess our sins to God, and also to each other. 

Almighty God, mother of mercy, father of grace: you have called us to one table, but we have pursued our own course. You have promised us the abundance of all creation, but in our greed, and in our envy, the world goes without. You have promised us the bread of life itself, but in our pride, and in our arrogance, the world goes hungry.  You have promised us the waters of peace and justice, but in our violence, and in our discord, the world goes thirsty.  And now we are famished, too, Lord.  Have mercy on us.  Forgive us, again.  Transform us, at this table, and for this table, and send us from this table as servants of your righteousness, by the power of your Son, our Lord.  Amen.                   


  Assurance of Pardon

Even when our cups run dry, God’s grace overflows. Even when

our plates are empty, God’s generosity overflows. And even when

our hearts feel barren, God’s love overflows. Friends, you have

been called and claimed by the God of all things, and by the

abundance of God’s grace, and by the power of God’s love, your

sins have been forgiven. Amen.



Prayers of the People          

Pastoral Prayer

*Hymn:            “Be Still, My Soul”            #534 (Verses 1 and 2 only)

Prayer for Illumination


Scripture:       Isaiah 43:1-2; Psalm 46 #780 with Response #1                

Leader: This is the Word of God for the People of God

All: Thanks be to God!


Sermon           “OctoberFresh 2024 – Extreme Weather”

Affirmation for Romans 8:35, 37-39                                           #887


*Doxology   “Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow”            #95   *Prayer


Communion     The Great Thanksgiving (p. 13 UMH)

The Lord’s Prayer


*Hymn:      “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve”             TFWS#2241       



*Response (Please turn and face one another as we sing)

Zion – “God Be with You till We Meet Again”                    #672

First – “Blessing Song” (on screen)






Tuesday, October 8

·        Circuit meeting via Zoom—1:00-3:00 P.M.

·        Meeting for GLOW personnel at Immanuel—6:00 P.M.

Wednesday, October 9

·        Bible study—9:00-10:30 A.M.

·        Cresco First UWIF—1:30 P.M.

·        GLOW and Faith Formation at Immanuel—5:00-7:30 P.M

Everyone is welcome for supper & worship (7:00-7:30 P.M.)

Thursday, October 10

·        NO mat weaving

·        Ministerial Association at Crestwood High School—10:00 A.M.

·        Choir—6:00 P.M.

Sunday, October 13

·        Zion worship—8:30 A.M.

·        Children’s Sunday school—9:00 A.M.

·        Adult Sunday school—9:00 A.M. in East Room

·        First Church worship—10:00 A.M.

Tuesday, October 15

·        Days for Girls—9:30 A.M.-3:30 P.M.

·        Church Council meeting—6:00 P.M.




Worship participants:

Organist Mary Ellen Turnmire        Zion Pianist Barb Reicks

Worship & Song Leader Pat Joiner

Worship Tech – Brent and Patsy Bronner

Ushers Larry and Pat Joiner


Tuesday, October 8

·        Circuit meeting via Zoom—1:00-3:00 P.M.

·        Meeting for GLOW personnel at Immanuel—6:00 P.M.

Wednesday, October 9

·        Bible study—9:00-10:30 A.M.

·        Cresco First UWIF—1:30 P.M.

·        GLOW and Faith Formation at Immanuel—5:00-7:30 P.M

Everyone is welcome for supper & worship (7:00-7:30 P.M.)

Thursday, October 10

·        NO mat weaving

·        Ministerial Association at Crestwood High School—10:00 A.M.

·        Choir—6:00 P.M.

Sunday, October 13

·        Zion worship—8:30 A.M.

·        Children’s Sunday school—9:00 A.M.

·        Adult Sunday school—9:00 A.M. in East Room

·        First Church worship—10:00 A.M.

Tuesday, October 15

·        Days for Girls—9:30 A.M.-3:30 P.M.

·        Church Council meeting—6:00 P.M.